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Detalhes do Produto


The sea is something entirely other; one cannot live hastily in it nor survive it with fear. The Sea Men—sailing rough waters many times over without knowing whether they will ever make it out unhurt or find in the depths their final resting place—are well aware of this.

Life at sea is hostile, hard and dangerous, and yet these brave men feel like fish out of water when they have to stay on dry land. Life on the sea penetrates their skin, and they would seem not to know how to live when not working. It is sad to see them staring at the sea, with dry feet, looking disoriented. …

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Alves dos Santos

Alves dos Santos nasceu a 4 de fevereiro de 1978, na efervescente Johannesburg, mas foi em Machico, um dos primeiros portos seguros da aventura portuguesa no Atlântico, que encontrou a bússola para a sua essência. É dessa terra feita de mares insondáveis e montanhas ancestrais que emergem as raízes da sua escrita: profundas, intensas e carregadas de humanidade.

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