
Cathedral of the Sea

Ildefonso Falcones

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18,18 € 20,20 €

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An unforgettable fresco of a golden age in fourteenth-century Barcelona, Cathedral of the Sea is a thrilling historical novel of friendship and revenge, plague and hope, love and war.

Arnau Estanyol arrives in Barcelona to find a city dominated by the construction of the city’s great pride—the cathedral of Santa Maria del Mar—and by its shame, the deadly Inquisition. As a young man, Arnau joins the powerful guild of stoneworkers and helps to build the church with his own hands, while his best friend and adopted brother Joanet studies to become a priest.

With time, Arnau prospers and falls secretly in love with a forbidden woman. But when he is betrayed and hauled before the Inquisitor, he finds himself face-to-face with Joanet. Will he lose his life just as his beloved Cathedral of the Sea is finally completed, or will his brother save him?

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Ildefonso Falcones

Ildefonso Falcones, casado e pai de quatro filhos, é advogado e escritor. A Catedral do Mar, o seu primeiro romance, tem como pano de fundo a Barcelona medieval. Fenómeno editorial mundial sem precedentes, reconhecido tanto pelos leitores como pela crítica, foi publicado em mais de 40 países. Mereceu ainda vários prémios, entre eles o Euskadi de Plata 2006 para o melhor romance em espanhol, o Qué Leer para o melhor livro em espanhol do ano 2006, o prémio Fundación José Manuel Lara para o romance mais vendido em 2006, o prestigiado galardão italiano Giovanni Boccaccio 2007 para o melhor autor estrangeiro, o prémio internacional Città dello Stretto 2008 e o Fulbert de Chartres.

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