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Em 1965, numa feira popular, a adolescente Frances Adams consulta uma vidente que lê na sua sina um acontecimento macabro: um dia, será assassinada. Durante décadas, ninguém a leva a sério até que, quase 60 anos mais tarde, é encontrada morta, e há indícios que apontam para um cenário de crime.

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Kristen Perrin

Kristen Perrin is originally from Seattle, Washington, where she spent several years working as a bookseller before immigrating to the UK to do a Masters and PhD. She’s passionate about books and loves working on projects that have a mystery at their heart. She lives with her family in Surrey, where she can be found poking around vintage bookstores, stomping in the mud with her two kids, and collecting too many plants.

Find her on Instagram: @kristenperrinwrites

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