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Learn how to combat screen addiction and get your technology use in check

The urge to pick up our phones every few minutes has become a nervous twitch that shatters our time into shards too small to be present. Our addiction to tech leaves us feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. But it doesn't have to be that way. 

In this timely book, professor Cal Newport shows us how to pair back digital distractions and live better with less technology. 

Introducing us to digital minimalists -- the calm, happy people who can hold long conversations without furtive glances at their phones or obsessively document everything they eat -- Newport reveals how to live more intentionally in our tech-saturated world. 

By following a thirty-day 'digital declutter' process, you'll learn to: 

· Rethink your relationship with social media 

· Prioritize 'high bandwidth' conversations over low quality text chains

· Rediscover the pleasures of the offline world

Take back control from your devices and become a digital minimalist.

'Digital Minimalism is the Marie Kondo of mobile phones' Evening Standard 

'An eloquent, powerful and enjoyably practical guide to cutting back on screen time' The Times 

'An urgent call to action for anyone serious about being in command of their own life' Ryan Holiday 

'Cal's call for meaningful and engaged interactions is just what the world needs right now' Daniel Levitin, author of The Organised Mind

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Cal Newport

Cal Newport é escritor e professor de ciências informáticas na Universidade de Georgetown. É autor de 5 livros e as suas ideias pioneiras sobre a construção de uma vida bem-sucedida e significativa foram apresentadas na TV, rádio e em muitas publicações importantes, incluindo o New York Times, o Wall Street Journal, o Washington Post e o New York Post. Deep Work - A concentração máxima num mundo de distrações (Actual, 2017) é o seu bestseller mais conhecido.

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