
Ethics - The State - The Person

Artur Victoria

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The book “Ethics-The State-The Person” by Artur Victoria sheds light on his reflection on ethics in different stages of people in the society and prescribes how governments and states should act. He has defined goals very well to offer his readers to refle; on the conduct of power holders and laypeople in the world.

The author has presented three elements as a linking thread. He considers that morality and ethics are the main things to resolve the issues of the public in a dynamic and unstable world. The author believes that the state has a central role in making decisions in the challenging world of the 21st century, The Author also discussed the fundamental responsibilities, and functions of the states and the significance of ethics and morality for the public.

The Author argues that the state needs to reform according to the modern trends of community existence, national security, and defense. In the State part, the author emphasizes the reader to reflect on the morals and ethics which should direct every person in the increasingly dynamic society. He stated that there should be a meditation process for everyone to balance his ambitions and goals. It should answer his quest to live his life.

It can be concluded that the world is changing and full of uncertain information, where organizations and governments have forgotten morels and ethics. It causes individuals and states to act in strange ways. This reason gives people the power to define their directions toward a sustainable and safe future. This book helps readers to get a dear vision of all the issues that should be reflected upon. This approach is the way to foster necessary hope for the better preservation of future civilization. The author has-well prepared the book with a series of suggestions about morals and ethics for the person and the state. It opens an excellent replication field for economists, philosophers. politicians, technocrats and professionals.

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Artur Victoria

Artur Victoria é Investigador/Pesquisador no OBSERVARE – Observatório de Relações Exteriores da Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa (UAL) e conferencista de organizações não governamentais. É licenciado em Direito pela Universidade de Lisboa. É detentor do Curso de Defesa Nacional. É detentor de certificados tais como: Formador de Formadores (Ordem dos Advogados), Curso de atualização do Instituto de Defesa Nacional, Corruption Control (Open Society Hungary). Foi Fundador do Colégio Luso Internacional em Portugal, Representante na Europa da Federação da Cultura Portuguesa, Fundador e Presidente do Instituto Jurídico Luso Brasileiro, Representante na Europa da Associação de Diplomados da Escola de Diplomados Superior de Guerra – Brasil, Sociedade de Amigos da Marinha do Brasil entre outras. Exerceu advocacia durante 21 anos, foi Membro Eleito do Conselho Distrital da Ordem dos Advogados e Orientador de Estagiários na OA. Autor de cinco livros de Direito, escreve em sites académicos artigos na área da ética e Segurança.

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