
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

J.K. Rowling

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Detalhes do Produto


'He'll be famous – a legend – I wouldn't be surprised if today was known as Harry Potter Day in future – there will be books written about Harry' Minerva McGonagall

Strange things always seem to happen when Harry Potter is around. Things that unsettle his guardians, the Dursleys. They strongly disapprove of strangeness. It's only when a letter arrives, delivered by a shaggy giant of a man called Hagrid, that Harry learns the truth that will transform his entire future: his parents were killed by the evil Lord Voldemort, and he, Harry, is a wizard. …

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J.K. Rowling

J.K. Rowling é autora da mundialmente aclamada série Harry Potter. Teve a ideia para escrever as inesquecíveis aventuras de Harry, Ron e Hermione num comboio que viajava atrasado em 1990, e foi nessa altura que a autora concebeu as linhas gerais da série e depois escreveu os sete livros que a compõem, tendo sido o primeiro, Harry Potter e a Pedra Filosofal, publicado no Reino Unido em 1997. A série demorou mais dez anos a ser completada e foi concluída…

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