
Human Affairs - Evolution & Behaviour – Selected Papers

Paulo Finuras

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Detalhes do Produto


If you want to know what Darwin never said; why we have loss aversion feelings; whether we can smell fear; why we love conspiracy theories; the true reason for the presence of such beautiful women in automobile exhibitions; why it is so hard to act on what is going to happen; why there are more male than female writers, and why there are (much) more male than female criminals, or even why men dominate leadership and power positions; where cultures came from and, for the same reason, why there are so many cultures, then this book is for you!

A most enjoyable book – and solidly based on evolutionary logic. Concise. Simple. Well organized. Wide ranging. And often deep. 

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Paulo Finuras

Doutor em Ciência Política (UL), sociólogo (Iscte-IUL) e professor associado convidado no ISG – Business & Economics School de Lisboa. Em termos académicos e profissionais, tem-se dedicado ao estudo da evolução e comportamento humano e da sociobiologia. Neste domínio, é autor dos livros: Primatas Culturais: Evolução e Natureza Humana (2015), Bioliderança: porque seguimos quem seguimos? (2018), Da Natureza das Causas – Psicologia…

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