
International Meetings in Political Studies (Est. 1993) - From Arrábida to Estoril, through Sintra and Cascais - Vol. I: 1993-2023

Marc F. Plattner (Foreword by), João Carlos Espada (Introduction by)Vários

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“The Institute of Political Studies (IEP) at the Portuguese Catholic University is a remarkable institution. It not only has educated several generations of Portuguese students, many of whom have gone on to become leaders in politics, government, media, and business. It also has sponsored a yearly international meeting in political studies that has become one of the world’s most interesting and influential conferences.”
Marc F. Plattner
Coeditor Emeritus, Journal of Democracy
Chairman, IEP-UCP International Advisory Board

“The Estoril Political Forum is a gathering of friends of liberty that has grown over the years. It was not made by a central decision, or a central command. It has grown. It has evolved gradually through the free interaction and cooperation of free and responsible individuals and institutions that have felt at home and have enjoyed these annual meetings.”

Rita Seabra Brito
Director Estoril Political Forum (Since 2008)

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Marc F. Plattner

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João Carlos Espada

João Carlos Espada é director e fundador (1996) do Instituto de Estudos Políticos da Universidade Católica Portuguesa, bem como da revista Nova Cidadania (1998). Mantém uma crónica regular na imprensa desde 1985, escrevendo no Observador desde 2016. Doutorou-se em Estudos Políticos na Universidade de Oxford (1990-1994), sob orientação de Lord Ralf Dahrendorf, tendo leccionado nas Universidades de Brown, Stanford e Georgetown, nos EUA, bem como no Colégio da Europa, em Varsóvia. Foi consultor para assuntos políticos nos primeiros mandatos do Presidente Mário Soares (1986-1990) e do Presidente Aníbal Cavaco Silva (2006-2011).

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