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A fully updated 10th anniversary edition of the SUNDAY TIMES No.1 Bestseller

A new, updated, revised edition of JERUSALEM: THE BIOGRAPHY, the wider history of the Middle East through the lens of the Holy City, covering from pre-history to 2020, from King David to Donald Trump.

The story of Jerusalem is the story of the world. …

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Simon Sebag Montefiore

Nasceu em 1965 e cursou história na Universidade de Cambridge.

Catherine the Great and Potemkin foi incluído na lista final dos Prémios Samuel Johnson, Duff Cooper e Marsh Biography. Estaline, a corte do Czar Vermelho ganhou o History Book of the Year Prize dos British Books Awards. O jovem Estaline foi agraciado com o Costa Biography Award (Reino Unido), com o LA…

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