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This book reflects the results of the survey carried out in 2014 by MEDEL among its member associations on the issue of self-government of the Judiciary and on the concrete functioning of High Judicial Councils (HJCs) in Europe.

To think a fair, free and independent justice and how to govern it in Europe is, therefore, the challenge launched by this work.

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Gualtiero Michelini

(Torino, 1963), after his graduation in Law at the University of Turin, Italy, and after practising as a Lawyer, has been appointed Judge in Italy in 1991. He served as judge of first instance in Criminal Law in Turin (1992 – 1998), judge of first instance in Labour and Social Law in Rome (2001- 2006), and since 2012 is serving as Judge of the Court of Appeals in Rome in Labour and Social Law. He has been detached to the Italian Ministry of Justice as magistrate in the Department of International and European Affairs (1998- 2001 and 2006 -2008) and as National Expert to the European Commission (Brussels) in the Directorate –General for Justice (2008 – 2012). He is author and co-author of various publications on European Judicial Cooperation and Social Law. Member of Magistratura Democratica, he is member of the bureau of Medel since 2011 and President of Medel since 2014.

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António Cluny

(Porto, 1955), is graduate in Law at the University of Lisbon. After practising as a Lawyer, has been appointed Prossecutor in 1977. He served as Prossecutor since them, in several courts in first instance (Cascais, Lisboa, Sintra) and, since 1998 in Suprem Court ( Tribunal de Contas). He was National Expert to the GRECO (2008 – 2012). He is author of various publications on Judicial Law. He was President of SMMP (prossecutors portuguese union). He was member of the bureau and President of Medel (2011-2014). Since 2014 he is portuguese member of Eurojust.

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José Mouraz Lopes

É  juiz desde 1987, exercendo atualmente funções de juiz-conselheiro no Tribunal de Contas. É doutorado pela Universidade de Coimbra e investigador-colaborador no Centro de Estudos Sociais. Tem várias obras publicadas na área do direito penal e processual penal, e das políticas públicas de justiça. Publicou igualmente uma obra de ficção, Estações do Confinamento (Almedina, 2022).

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