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The work On Mountains (OM), by João M. Gil & Nuno Verdasca, drives from the fríendship between the authors and their admiration for the Mountains and for Photography. Since its foundation, they concluded that they did not want just another photography exhibition. They sought the creation of a work that, while being simple and by means of photographs, would reflect the multiple emotions and sensorial experiences of being in the mountains; an account from the five senses, and beyond. In their views, they felt that the right formula would be merging the two components together, Photography and Text. And, in fact, the response of the people that attend the exhibition has been the one they so much desired for, even astounding. This also led the authors to taking a step further, towards the accomplishment of this book. Their objective is to, here down below, among these houses and in the comfort that they provide, take the mind and the heart of the observer up there, among valleys and peaks, to the snow and Sun, the cold and the heat, the trees and rivers, the sharp cold wind and the cosmess of a nocturnal shelter.
The book targets all people of all ages, from the lovers of the Mountains and/or Photography, to those that enjoy travelling through reading, for an imaginary evasion at the end of the day. It aspires to divulge the Mountains and Photography, with technical, informative, pedagogical and interventional rigor, being anyhow simple.
The book includes a foreword by Journalist Carlos Pinto Coelho, as a Photographer and Storyteller, and also by Climber João Garcia, as a Man of the Mountains of the World.
It was edited by João M. Gil, produced by Imagens & Letras Editorial, ending up in a unique piece, with exceptional quality in design, edition and final printing. These are two books, one in Portuguese "Olhares Montanheiros - Fotografias & Histórias de Montanha" and the other in English "On Mountains - Photographs & Sfories". The aim is to reach markets beyond that of Portuguese speaking countries, in a global sense. One being the translation of the other, keeping the acronym OM and its symbolic meaning in the title.

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Nuno Verdasca

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João M. Gil

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