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Adam Zamoyski first wrote his history of Poland two years before the collapse of the Soviet Union. This substantially revised and updated edition sets the Soviet era in the context of the rise, fall and remarkable rebirth of an indomitable nation.

In 1797, Russia, Prussia and Austria divided Poland among themselves, rewriting Polish history to show that they had brought much-needed civilisation to a primitive backwater. But the country they wiped off the map had been one of Europe’s largest and most richly varied, born of diverse cultural traditions and one of the boldest constitutional experiments ever attempted. Its destruction ultimately led to two world wars and the Cold War. 

Zamoyski’s fully revised history of Poland looks back over a thousand years of turmoil and triumph, chronicling how Poland has been restored at last to its rightful place in Europe.

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Adam Zamoyski

ADAM ZAMOYSKI nasceu em Nova Iorque em 1949, mas viveu grande parte da sua vida em Inglaterra.

É historiador, académico e membro da antiga família Zamoyski, pertencente à nobreza polaca. Cresceu em Downside e estudou no Queens College de Oxford.

É autor dos best-sellers 1812: Napoleon’s Fatal March on Moscow e Rites of Peace: The Fall of Napoleon and the Congress of Vienna, de um aclamado livro sobre a história da Polónia e de vários trabalhos sobre episódios-chave da história da Europa.

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