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Mary Beard uses the relics buried by the eruption of Mt Vesuvius on AD79 to bring everyday Roman culture alive.

Pompeii explodes a number of myths - from the very date of the eruption, probably a few months later than usually thought; the hygiene of the baths which must have been hotbeds of germs; and the legendary number of brothels, most likely only one, to the massive death count which was probably less than ten per cent of the population. …

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Mary Beard

Mary Beard é uma das classicistas mais originais e reconhecidas da atualidade. É professora na Universidade de Cambridge e membro da Newnham College, onde leciona desde 1984. Também é professora de literatura antiga na Royal Academy, É editora do Times Literary Supplement, membro da British Academy e membro internacional da Academia Americana de Artes e Ciências. Recebeu o Wolfson History Prize, a Bodley Medal, o Prémio Princesa das Astúrias…

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