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Louise Gluck has long practised poetry as a species of clairvoyance. She began as Cassandra, at a distance, in league with the immortals. To read her books sequentially is to chart the oracle's metamorphoses into unwilling vessel, reckless, mortal, down-to-earth. "The Seven Ages" is Gluck's ninth book, one of her strangest and certainly her most bold. In it - like William Blake's mystical Thel - she gazes down at her own death and in so doing forces endless superimpositions of the possible on the impossible. Her act at once defies and embraces the inevitable and is finally mimetic. Over and over, at each wild leap and transformation, flames shoot up the reader's spine. In an essay she writes, "one of the revelations of art is the discovery of a tone or perspective at once wholly unexpected and wholly true to a set of materials". This truth to materials -language, occasion, antecedent - is the proof of a poem.

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Louise Glück


Louise Glück recebeu o Prémio Nobel da Literatura de 2020, “pela sua inconfundível voz poética, que, com uma beleza austera, tornou universal a existência individual”. O prémio da Academia Sueca reconhece um longo percurso de escrita de poesia e ensaio. Louise Elisabeth Glück nasceu a 22 de Abril de 1943 em Nova Iorque. É autora de mais de uma dezena de livros de poesia e de ensaios Ao longo da sua carreira recebeu vários prémios, entre eles o National Book Critics Circle Award, o Pulitzer, Los Angeles Times Book e o Wallace Stevens da Academia de Poetas americanos.

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