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Re-issued to mark the 200th anniversary of Marx's birth: the manifesto that set the world alight, now with a new introduction from the bestselling author and economist, Yanis Varoufakis

The Communist Manifesto is a timeless classic providing intelligent insight into socialism, communism and today’s group identity politics.

This pocket edition includes a new introduction by the economist and bestselling author of Adults in the Room, Yanis Varoufakis.

The Communist Manifesto was first published in London in 1848, by two young men in their late twenties. Its impact reverberated across the globe and throughout the next century, and it has come to be recognised as one of the most important political texts ever written. Maintaining that the history of all societies is a history of class struggle, the manifesto proclaims that communism is the only route to equality, and is a call to action aimed at the proletariat. It is an essential read for anyone seeking to understand our modern political landscape.

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Karl Marx

Karl Marx (1818–1883) foi um filósofo e revolucionário socialista alemão. Criou as bases da doutrina comunista, onde criticou o capitalismo. A sua filosofia exerceu influência em várias áreas do conhecimento, tais como a Sociologia, a Política, o Direito e a Economia.

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Friedrich Engels

Friedrich Engels foi um empresário industrial e teórico revolucionário prussiano, nascido na atual Alemanha, que junto com Karl Marx fundou o chamado socialismo científico ou marxismo. Foi co-autor de diversas obras com Marx, sendo que a mais conhecida é o Manifesto Comunista.

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