
The Island of Corvo that Defeated the Pirates

José Ruy

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Detalhes do Produto


"The Island of Corvo that defeated the Pirates" was conceived in a process of participatory creation without precedents for either the author or the community which it focuses. Located on the western extremity of the archipelago, the island of Corvo was, for a long period of time, in the aim of the pirates and corsairs navigating those waters, which gave rise to episodes of conflict, and curiously, some relations of proximity. Based on an historical document from the 17th century narrating the resistance from Corvinos to a pirate attack, José Ruy imagined a story that integrated contributions from the people of corvo, becoming a shared adventure that raises awareness to the appreciation of local culture and heritage. Having been created within the Ecomuseu do Corvo project, the fundamental principle of ecomuseological action was followed: ensure the effective participation from the Corvinos in the creative…

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José Ruy

José Ruy nasceu na Amadora, em maio de 1930.

Cursou Artes Gráficas e habilitação a Belas Artes na Escola António Arroio, onde foi discípulo do Mestre Rodrigues Alves, e dos pintores Costa Mota, Trindade Chagas e Júlio Santos. Iniciou-se como autor de textos e desenhos com 14 anos, tendo publicados 85 álbuns, 54 dos quais em Banda Desenhada, com…

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