
Desconto: 10%
11,48 € 12,75 €
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Desconto: 10%
11,48 € 12,75 €
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Detalhes do Produto


Whitney is not having a merry Christmas. In the last three weeks she’s lost her boyfriend and a promotion. Forced to gather at her grandparents’ cosy cabin for the holidays with her large family, the only way she’s going to get into the holiday spirit is with the help of three wise men: Johnnie Walker, Jack Daniels, and Jim Beam. However, nothing offsets the shock of discovering her old boyfriend, Eli, on the doorstep. Now she’s stuck for a week with Eli, the only man to ever break her heart. And he’s ready to win her back .


Kate Stewart

Kate Stewart nasceu no Texas e vive na Carolina do Norte com o marido, Nick. No conforto das montanhas Blue Ridge, Kate escreve romances contemporâneos sexy bem como comédias românticas e suspense erótico. Kate adora tudo o que esteja relacionado com as décadas de 80 e 90, especialmente os fi lmes de John Hughes e rap. Gosta de fotografia e consegue tricotar um cachecol se for mesmo necessário. A sua série The Ravenhood…

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