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Detalhes do Produto


With more than 30 million copies sold, "The Alchemist" is one of the best loved and bestselling books in the world. "The Zahir", Paulo Coelho's new novel, is a perfect follow-on to "The Alchemist". Paulo picks up the theme of the pilgrimage but tells a very different, gripping story of love, loss and passionate obsession. It begins with a glimpse or a passing thought. It ends in obsession. One day, a renowned author discovers that his wife, a war correspondent, has disappeared leaving no trace. Though time brings more success and new love, he remains mystified - and increasingly fascinated - by her absence. Was she kidnapped, blackmailed, or simply bored with their marriage? The unrest she causes is as strong as the attraction she exerts. His search for her - and for the truth of his own life - takes him from France to Spain, Croatia and, eventually, the bleakly beautiful landscape of Central Asia. More than that, it takes him…

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Paulo Coelho

Um dos autores mais lidos e respeitados em todo o mundo, e o escritor de língua portuguesa mais vendido de sempre, Paulo Coelho tem a sua obra publicada em mais de 170 países e traduzida em 88 idiomas. É autor do clássico dos nossos tempos, O Alquimista, considerado o romance mais traduzido de sempre e que atingiu já mais de 427 semanas ininterruptas na lista de bestsellers do The New York Times. …

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