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Detalhes do Produto


Have you ever had a break-up so bad you wish the whole relationship had never happened? Well, Gemma's wish has come true. After one too many margaritas lead to her mystical aunt reading out a drunken spell, she wakes up in a parallel world where she didn't give years of her life to the wrong man. But you know what they say - be careful what you wish for... Because not only is her boring ex out of the picture, her extremely attractive male best friend also has no idea who she is. And in this world, Gemma and Dax don't have years of friendship history keeping them from becoming something more...


Kate Robb

As experiências amorosas desastrosas (entre algumas bem-sucedidas) de Kate Robb serviram-lhe de inspiração para escrever comédias românticas invulgares e ousadas. A autora vive nos arredores de Toronto, no Canadá, onde passa os tempos livres a levar os filhos aos treinos de hóquei, aos quais assiste enquanto bebe, em segredo, Pinot Grigio da sua garrafa-termo. Não gosta particularmente de corujas, da palavra “embora” nem de usar calções e…

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