
We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed With Our Families

Michael Herr

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With an introduction by rory stewart winner of the guardian first book award, a first-hand account one of the defining outrages of modern history. All at once, as it seemed, something we could have only imagined was upon us - and we could still only imagine it. This is what fascinates me most in existence: the peculiar necessity of imagining what is, in fact, real. In 1994, the rwandan government orchestrated a campaign of extermination, in which everyone in the hutu majority was called upon to murder everyone in the tutsi minority. Close to a million people were slaughtered in a hundred days, and the rest of the world did nothing to stop it. A year later, philip gourevitch went to rwanda to investigate the most unambiguous genocide since hitler's war against the jews. Hailed by the guardian as one of the hundred greatest nonfiction books of all time, we wish to inform you that tomorrow we will be killed with our families is a first-hand account one of the defining outrages of modern history, an unforgettable anatomy of rwanda´s decimation. As riveting as it is moving, it is a profound reckoning with humanity´s betrayal and its perseverance.

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Michael Herr

Crítico de cinema e jornalista, Michael Herr (1940-2016) trocou a selva urbana de Nova Iorque pela de Saigão, em 1967, para cobrir a Guerra do Vietname como correspondente da Esquire. Embrenhou-se no terreno durante mais de um ano, acompanhou as tropas norte-americanas e viveu os momentos mais aterradores da guerra, entre os quais a Ofensiva do Tet e, no Inverno de 1968, o cerco de Khe Sanh. Inscreveu o seu nome no firmamento do Novo Jornalismo, ao exorcizar em Despachos toda a loucura e violência do conflito que mais marcou o imaginário contemporâneo. A sua prosa revolucionou o jornalismo de guerra, esbatendo as fronteiras entre reportagem e literatura, e a ela se renderam Hunter S. Thompson e William S. Burroughs. Foi co-argumentista de Apocalypse Now (1979), de Francis Ford Coppola, e de Nascido para Matar (1987), de Stanley Kubrick. 

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